Accommodation in Sanur, Guest House, Tips & Trick

Traveling post Covid-19 – What are the safest accommodation options?

What are the first things that come to mind when you think of Bali? With beautiful landscapes, charming beaches, and cultural events to experience, it’s no surprise that this tropical island has a way of attracting visitors from all around the world. 

However, the global pandemic of covid-19 has temporarily halted many countries from allowing its people to travel for the time being. But that doesn’t mean you can’t plan your trip ahead of time for when the situation improves!

It’s safe to say that the pandemic has taught everyone a valuable lesson on the importance of maintaining a clean environment and hygiene. This is especially important for those of you planning to travel after the pandemic. 

To ensure your safety, we’ll be sharing some tips and things to consider when looking for safe accommodations for traveling post covid-19.


Routine cleaning and disinfectant

First and foremost is routine cleaning and maintenance of the property. You can ask ahead of time about what the management and staff are implementing in order to maintain a clean and safe environment for their guests. Additionally, you can also take a closer look at their website, social media photos and previous guest reviews to get a general idea on how they maintain their property. 


Villa Disinfectant Covid-19


Meal delivery

The covid-19 pandemic has shown us how viruses are transmitted, hence the global social distancing measures in place. This should still be enforced post-pandemic as well, and one of the examples can be meal delivery to your individual rooms by the staff. This ensures minimal contact between people and lowers any chance of transmission of any virus or disease.


Health and safety precautions, policies in place

Other ways you can assess your accommodation is by viewing what policies and precautions they’ve implemented in response to the covid-19 pandemic. Look for things like social distancing measures, mandatory masks for all staff members, fresh toiletries, disinfectants used, and how often they clean the properties, amongst other things. You want to make sure you feel comfortable and safe in knowing that you and your family will be staying in a clean and safe environment during your trip to Bali. 


Air quality

This is something that should also be noted when searching for a post covid-19 accommodation during your travels. What is the air circulation like in the rooms, in the communal spaces in the villa? Also, take a look at their location on Google Maps, are they located near a place of public gathering, such as a marketplace for example. 


Bali Villa


Need a Villa in Sanur for your family to stay in? Our Villas and Guesthouses at Kembali Lagi offer award-winning luxury and comfort for travelers staying in Sanur. Facilities include private pools, a modern kitchen and much more to make our guests feel at home. We also understand the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment for our guests. Therefore, we are implementing thorough sanitizing procedures between bookings and daily cleaning to ensure guests feel comfortable staying at Kembali Lagi. Book with us now and explore Bali!