The restaurant scene in Sanur gets better every year! New eateries are opening every week and we love trying all the great new (and some old) flavors. The traditional “warung’ is where you will find the most original (and cheap!) Indonesian cuisine. Originally small street stalls or tables set up in private homes, Warungs are the Indonesian version of fast food. Here is a guide to our favorite local restaurants near Sanur beach.



Warung Mak Beng


mak beng local restaurant near sanur

Photo Source: Warung Mak Beng Sanur


A local legend! Unlike other seafood local restaurants near Sanur beach, Warung Mak Beng only serves a single signature menu – rice, fish soup, fried fish and sambal. Find and try these local flavours at the end of Jalan Hang Tuah, only meters away from the beach. Take note that most times, this warung is normally very busy.

13 minute drive from Kembali Lagi Guest House or just a five minute walk from Villa Matahari Terbit



Warung Kecil


warung kecil local restaurant near sanur

Photo Source: Warung Kecil


The name literally means “small eatery.” With only six tables, this contemporary warung is a favorite of locals and expats alike for cheap yet delicious lunches. Warung Kecil offers a variety of Asian and Indonesian cuisine for vegans, vegetarians and carnivores. Displayed as a “nasi camper” buffet where you can see and select each dish, you can fill a plate for under $5. They also serve a delicious a la carte menu with mouthwatering paninis and specialty juice blends.

Get there early as most of the food is gone by 2pm! Don’t be put off by the crowds if you can’t find a private table, everyone loves to share. Or, take your lunch to go in an environmental friendly container and enjoy a picnic on the beach.

Located on Jalan Duyung, only a 3 minute drive (or 10 minute walk) from Kembali Lagi Guest House



Warung Sanur Segar


warung sanur segar local restaurant near sanur

Photo Source: Warung Sanur Segar


One of the best hidden gems in Sanur is a tiny warung (6 tables) located on Jalan Pasar, directly across the street from The Sindu Night Market. Warung Sanur Segar (means Sanur Fresh) offers the freshest salads, tacos and wraps in Bali. Come for the Mexi Salad or the Chicken Pesto Wrap or the Beef Rendang Taco. Everything is homemade and cooked on the spot by the lovely and talented Rian. Nothing fancy, just wonderful.

Located about a 5 minute drive from Kembali Lagi Guest House and Villas



Warung Nasi Lawar Men Tinggen


warung men tinggen local restaurant sanur

Photo Source: Warung Men Tinggen


Warung Men Tinggen opens late, from evening until dawn. It specializes in serving a favorite local dish with Balinese cold shredded meat called lawar. This shredded meat can be either pork, chicken or duck, depending on your preference. It also serves vegetable lawar, consisting of jackfruit and thin-sliced coconut.

12 minute drive from Kembali Lagi


Exploring local restaurants near Sanur beach? Stay at Kembali Lagi, situated in the heart of Sanur’s beachside community, where plenty of delicious restaurants are available in the area.